100+ years of business

Superior traces its roots as a grower/shipper of Michigan vegetables to 1918.
Originally a family owned company, Superior has grown over the last 100+ years into a diversified produce shipping, packing, repacking and sales organization.

  2929 Corporate Grove Dr, Hudsonville, MI 49426     (616) 896-6500      info@superior-sales.com

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Asparagus should be fresh and firm with compact tips. Spears should be straight and round, and should snap easily when bent. Diameter of spears is not an indicator of quality. Spears with larger diameters are just as tender and flavorful as slender spears. Avoid asparagus with wilted appearance or spreading tips.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are generally sold by color. All sweet peppers are green at the immature stat. As the peppers mature, they turn color. The most predominant color for a mature pepper is red. All sweet peppers are characterized by their bright skin color and fairly sweet flavor.



Good quality cabbage should be well formed, fairly even colored and heavy for its size. For green and red cabbage, leaves should be very compact and fairly smooth. Savoy cabbage leaves should be crinkled and less compact. Avoid discolored or wilted cabbage.



Celery is a member of the carrot family. It is low in calories, high in fiber and a fair source of Vitamins A and B. To pick good celery look for fresh healthy leaves and crisp green stalks. Celery should be refrigerated in a plastic bag and placed in the crisper for up to two weeks.

Winter Squash

Winter Squash

Winter hard-shell squash types are generally larger than soft shell types. They have hard, inedible rinds. Only the flesh is edible and must be cooked. Major types include: Acorn, Banana, Buttercup, Butternut, Delicata, Golden Nugget Squash, Hubbard, Kaboucha, and Spaghetti.



Corn is generally sold according to color. Yellow corn is most predominant; white and bicolor (yellow and white kernels) corn is also available. Primary varieties are characterized by plump yellow or white kernels and well-colored green husks.

Summer Squash

Summer Squash

Summer squash, particularly the yellow variety, is a very popular vegetable in the South. You’ll find it fresh, frozen, or canned at any time of the year. Summer squashes are very easy to grow. For best flavor and most tender seeds, squash should be picked at 6 to 10 inches long.

Green Beans

Green Beans

Good quality snap beans should have long, straight pods and be well colored. They should have long, straight pods and be well colored. They should also be free of decay or blemishes and snap easily when bent.

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Food Safety!

Food safety has surfaced to the top of everyone’s agenda. The safe handling of food is and always has been a top priority at Superior Sales Inc., and it’s been and integral part of our standard of operating procedures from the very beginning. We’ve developed exceedingly high standards based upon the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). From worker hygiene, packing to storage, cooler operations, and facility cleanliness, we’ve placed extensive emphasis on prevention of product contamination from direct and indirect sources. Superior Sales Inc. is audited each year by PrimusLabs and has scored a 100% on the PrimusGFS Audit giving us the SUPERIOR rating on our facility and handling of our food products.

Meet our team!

Annual “Southern Exposure SEPC” Conference

Politicians, entrepreneurs, and community advocates are getting together to explore
strategies to promote the consumption of fruits & vegetables!

March 6, 2025